E-mail address for contacting the company about the Privacy issues is info@onedevelopment.lv.
The company uses the personal data submitted on this website only for the intended purposes and does not transfer them to third parties, except in cases specified by law.
On this site, visitors can transfer and ONE Development Ltd. can receive personal data in the following ways:
- The website visitor uses the contact form in the "Contacts" section or at the bottom of any other section.
The company obtains the name, surname and e-mail address of the visitor. This personal data is used to communicate with the visitor.
The website of the company ONE Development Ltd. uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on a visitor’s computer or mobile device, if the visitor’s browser settings allow it. The information related to cookies is not used to personally identify visitors to the website. You can delete cookies if you wish. Read more here: aboutcookies.org.
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